Have you heard the word that Young Living Valor Essential Oil is Back in Stock?!  Saturday, April 22, 2017 will long be remembered as an epic day for all Young Living members who have been able to reunite with their long lost friend, Valor essential oil!


Great courage in the face of danger; honor plus dignity; bravery; daring; fearlessness; boldness.  The name says it all and who wouldn’t want to add a little more to their own lives?
Valor essential oil has been out of stock since October 2015 because Young Living refuses to compromise their Seed to Seal Promise. Many newer members may have heard of this awesome blend, but have not been able to use and experience this oil yet.  Loyal Young Living members have been known to hoard this precious commodity during times of plenty, and carefully ration each precious drop.
Rosewood has been a key ingredient in valor for quite some time.  That botanical has become endangered and unable to source in quantities needed to keep valor in stock.  Young Living has been tirelessly working to stay true to the original valor formulation keeping the smell and frequency in tune.  Recently, the Young Living sourcing team collaborated with our Taiwan Co-op Farm to expand its operations to include Camphor wood essential oil, an oil that plays an integral role in preserving the signature balance of linalool in the Valor blend.  In combination with Geranium, it’s a perfect aroma to inspire you to pursue a courageous perspective in life and to be fully present at every point in your journey.  Camphor wood and Geranium paired with Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense combine to form this woodsy, positive scented oil.
If you are a current Young Living member, make sure to log into your virtual office any time after 5 pm MST on April 22 and order your own bottle for $39.75.  Valor will continue to be limited to 1 per month, per member account and will not be redeemable with ER points at this time.  You will be able to add to a quick order or ER order.


While using Valor topically or aromatically, you may experience quieter and deeper sleep, increased confidence, ability to conquer your “To Do List”, grounding, relaxed state of mind, and increased ability to speak in public settings.
Did I mention this essential oil blend is a total game changer?!
Have you experience Valor for yourself?
Are you ready to give this oil a try?   Let’s chat about how you can try it for yourself!